Marketing And Copywriting

Ensure your marketing communications are crisp and effective

Well-written, results-focused marketing material is a sound investment – it’s a tangible representation of your organisation that your clients will read and remember you by.

Great marketing material has four key elements that tell your target audience:

  • What you do
  • How you do it
  • What makes you different from your competitors
  • What benefits and value you bring to clients.

Simple? It is! But many marketing documents and web communications fail to deliver. Readers become frustrated and bored because they can't determine quickly what's on offer, or get a clear indication of how they could benefit.

Engage a professional business writer

Some companies ask staff working in other roles to write marketing text. But they are often too close to the business to really see the key messages and the benefits on offer. Text can be unprofessional, confused and cluttered, reflecting an 'all about me' theme containing little of that critical information on benefits. It’s a false economy.

Well-written, results-focused marketing material is a sound investment it's a tangible representation of your business that your clients will read and remember you by.

So how important are your words? They are crucial: one perfect word can influence a thousand thoughts and in your marketing material those thoughts need to be about clients choosing your business.

Find the right words to benefit your next copywriting or business communications project

Word Sense writers and editors work closely with you to develop customised content for your:

  • Websites
  • Brochures and marketing
  • Social media marketing messages
  • Newsletters
  • Product launches
  • Rebranding packages
  • Profiles, case studies and histories
  • Articles and editorial content
  • Presentations, speeches and awards entries.